Monday, September 29, 2008

Crowd Narration Comes to the Neuros OSD

Imagine participating in a chat about the Presidential Debate, or any other live event, and the chat being superimposed on top of your TV.  Sure, it’s been done before, but that’s been controlled by the media.  This is outside of whatever the news outlets will do, and it is provided on your Neuros OSD by [...]

Imagine participating in a chat about the Presidential Debate, or any other live event, and the chat being superimposed on top of your TV.  Sure, it’s been done before, but that’s been controlled by the media.  This is outside of whatever the news outlets will do, and it is provided on your Neuros OSD by a piece of software which runs on the OSD and was created by the community.

Click here to view the embedded video.

… [visit site to read more]

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